It is pouring and I know I should be happy about it as we need the rain BADLY but I am supposed to do this charity event and it is going to be NO fun at all in the rain! Oh well such is life. I am very grateful for my friends and family who gave generous contributions to support me in this event! I raised a considerable chunk of money! Grand total is $647.00 thank you all SO much!
It is really hot in my apartment. I am seriously considering buying an air conditioner to help make it more livable in here! It is gross always sitting in a sweat! But they are pretty expensive SO I'll have to see....
I have pretty big news! I have managed to hand in my thesis! It is in the hands of my PAC committee!! They get 14 days to look over it and give it back to me with revisions, then I make those changes and then it goes out to the examining committee which we need to invite between now and then! THEN I defend, make final revisions then bind it and THEN I'll be done!! HooRAY!!!
I leave for CA on Wed. so I need to get my apartment clean, pack and run errands before then. Busy, busy! I go shopping for a dress on Monday night with Liz. That should be fun!